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Copyright and copyright-related matters in specific areas may be dealt with in the first instance by these University offices or services:
- regarding commercialisation of intellectual property
Cambridge University Libraries Copyright Group (CULCG)
- Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Licence for copying of journal articles/book chapters for teaching purposes
- copyright help desk email -
Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre
- including Inclusive Teaching and Accessible Materials
Finance Division, Procurement Services
- Purchase of goods and services
Moodle teaching and learning support - intranet Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Office of Scholarly Communication, Cambridge University Library
- Publishing agreements; Open access and research data management
- Apollo – the University’s institutional digital repository
- Internet research tools
Office of External Affairs and Communications
- University media, social media and multimedia communications
- Internal and external University branding
- University research promotion
- Public engagement and outreach
- Data Management Guide
- Data Repository
- University of Cambridge Research Data Management Policy Framework
- Research grants and funding
University of Cambridge Libraries
University of Cambridge Museums & Botanic Garden
For photography/filming/recording
Contributor Consent & Release Form
- to be personally signed by the adult person in the photograph(s), video/film and/or sound recording(s) to be taken by the University, granting to the University the right to make available and communicate the image(s) or recording(s) of the Event/Project and digital material contributed by the Contributor to the Event/Project to the public in all platforms and all media, including online and in social media, for University non-commercial educational and promotional purposes
- if a recording is not to be made available in the first instance in a restricted intranet to participants in the Event/Activity, please delete the section highlighted in yellow
- not to be used for filming/recording by external production companies/broadcasters for their own productions/broadcasts, e.g. BBC television documentary
- guidance for use - "Do I need to obtain consents when taking photographs or video filming at a University event for University educational/promotional purposes?"
Parent/Guardian Contributor Consent & Release Form
- to be personally signed by the parent or guardian in legal charge on behalf of the child (under 18) or vulnerable adult in the photograph(s), video/film and/or sound recording(s) to be taken by the University, granting to the University the right to make available and communicate the image(s) or recording(s) of the Event/Project and digital material contributed by the Contributor to the public in all platforms and in all media, including online and in social media, for University non-commercial educational and promotional purposes
- if a recording is not to be made available in the first instance in a restricted intranet to participants in the Event/Activity, please delete the section highlighted in yellow
- not to be used for filming/recording by external production companies/broadcasters for their own productions/broadcasts, e.g. BBC television documentary.
- guidance for use - "Do I need to obtain consents when taking photographs or video filming at a University event for University educational/promotional purposes?"
Location Perimeter Notice for photography/filming to take place; printed warning
- an example of signage to be adapted for posting at the perimeter of the location of an event or activity where many people are expected, alerting attendees or participants that photography, filming and/or sound recording may take place and the images and recordings of persons or persons at the event may be made publicly available on the Internet and in social media by the University
- an example of a notice to be adapted for use in a programme or invitation to an event or activity, warning attendees or participants that photography, filming and/or sound recording may take place and the images and recordings of persons at the event may be made publicly available on the Internet and in social media by the University.
University of Cambridge Location Filming Agreement
- for third party filming at the University, in lieu of ‘location agreements’ often suggested by production companies, broadcasters or others wishing to film at the University, e.g. for a BBC documentary
Letter of Agreement for Professional Services – Photography/Filming/Recording Commission (template)
- commissioning photography/video/film is subject to the procedures for the procurement of goods and services set out in the Purchasing procedures of the University’s Financial Regulations and the Procurement Services section of the Financial Procedures Manual.
- more information:
"Do I need to obtain consents when taking photographs or video filming at a University event for University educational/promotional purposes? - Commissioning external photographers or film/video production companies"
Copyright Fair Dealing Notice for Display (Libraries/Archives)
- to be displayed near photocopiers and scanners, usually alongside the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) HE Licence Notice for Display.
Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) HE Licence Notice for Display (Libraries/Archives)
- the CLA HE Licence permits multiple copying of journal articles and book chapter for teaching purposes, the Notice to be displayed near photocopiers and scanners.
CLA HE Licence 2024-27 Digital Copy Coversheet Copyright Notice
- to be filled in and attached as the coversheet to each Digital Copy of a journal article/book chapter provided to students under the CLA HE Licence.
Copyright Notice - Accessible Copy of a Work
- to be filled in and attached to the accessible copy made and supplied by the University to the disabled student named in the Notice.
- more information:
"Are there copyright exceptions for libraries? - Accessible copies of a copyright work for a disabled person"